
7 Cyber Security Tips for Not-for-Profits in 2021

Posted by Brett Lodge on 29 July 2021 12:15:00 ACST

As the number of cyber attacks around the world continues to grow, organisations of all sizes, including not-for-profits, are faced with a very real threat. So, how prepared are you? According to ACSC Annual Cyber Threat Report July 2019 to June 2020, over 2,200 cybersecurity incidents were reported by Australian businesses between 2019 and 2020. While the majority of large companies have security strategies in place, there are still many smaller organisations who are yet to take the necessary steps to minimise their risk.

Unfortunately, many not-for-profits find themselves under-prepared, which can now directly impact getting grants or funding, as basic security measures are requested by many businesses and government agencies prior to providing funding.

The good news is that you don’t need big budgets and endless resources to tackle cyber security. There are plenty of simple and affordable steps you can take right now to protect your organisation.

Here are 7 top security tips that will minimise your risk today.

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Topics: Security, Cybersecurity, Not For Profit